Data Analytics Consulting | Unlock Insights with DWS | DWS

Key to organisational success is utilising the huge amounts of data available to influence decision making, guide strategy and help manage operations. With our data analytics consulting services, DWS can help you harness this data effectively.

Using visualisations and real time reporting allows organisations to be more adaptive to change and to analyse trends to predict events that present as opportunities and threats to operations.

This can extend across all departments of an organisation and can be a differentiator in highly competitive industries.

Analytics & Business Intelligence

DWS Group has vast experience in end-to-end data analytics consulting projects, from requirements gathering to data acquisition, data warehousing & online Analytical Platform methods, through to information delivery strategy & data visualisation & dashboards.

We are Microsoft Gold Analytic partners and have skills in a variety of other toolsets to offer you the best solution for your needs.

DWS can help you transform your organisation’s data into valuable information and insights.

Data Architecture & ETL

Core to leveraging the power of analytics and business intelligence is ensuring that your business has the ability to mash up data across your business systems and various data sources. DWS Group’s data analytics consulting has extensive capability across many of the world’s most popular data repository architectures and techniques to ensure your data is transformed into a format that lends itself to presenting real business value and insight.

In addition, we have great capability in the design and implementation of structured, relational (ie SQL), unstructured (ie No SQL) and hybrid (ie NewSQL) databases and data schemas to ensure that your applications sit atop a robust back end that ensures your data is usable, safe and secure. We have capability across all the popular stacks such as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, AWS, DB2, Google, My SQL, PostgreSQL, Mongo, redis and more.