Cengage | Digital Strategy Case Study by DWS | DWS

Cengage Australia is a leading provider of learning solutions for the school and higher education markets for Australia and New Zealand.

Cengage wanted to better understand the experience of students and teachers interacting with their digital assessment tools.  Symplicit were engaged to conduct exploratory research to help uncover needs and pain points with the aim of improving the customer experience which underpins their digital strategy.

Codesign Workshop

The Symplicit team kicked off the project with an ideation workshop with the Cengage team and interstate stakeholders.

During this workshop we:

•Discussed assumptions that the client has made about their customers
•Analysed findings from an initial high level competitor analysis
•Developed concepts to test during the research phase

Landscape Review

The landscape review provided Cengage and Symplicit with a frame of reference to compare and contrast existing digital assessment solutions. We used this knowledge to develop our own research guides and probe how features of existing products do or don’t meet needs.

Contextual Inquiries & Interviews

Symplicit conducted contextual inquires with experienced teachers and senior students for 60-minute one-on-one interviews to understand their key needs, wants and frustrations with using digital assessments. Interviews were held at various locations ranging from Symplicit offices, visiting regional participant’s homes, as well as via Skype.


A feature list, strategic recommendations, journey map, and personas were delivered for the purpose of creating a modern, future proofed, and engaging digital assessment tool.

The Outcome

Using the knowledge gained in this project, Cengage have been able to start developing highly competitive digital tool that exceeds market standards.