CSIRO | Reflexivity Platform Case Study by DWS | DWS

The CSIRO, Australia’s federal government agency responsible for scientific research, needed a platform to provide community members with a way to be heard by the resource companies that work alongside them.

DWS was engaged to build the solution, ” Reflexivity”.  The platform also helps companies understand what their communities think about them and why, providing clear opportunities for building greater trust in those relationships.

CSIRO is Australia’s largest scientific research organisation and one of the largest and most diverse scientific organisations in the world.

Reflexivity is a CSIRO program to track and measure companies’ social performance. The program engages with local communities to gauge and analyse relevant issues and expectations and then present back insights via interactive dashboards and reports.

In late 2016 CSIRO decided to develop a consistent technology-based Service Delivery Platform to support their Reflexivity business model.

Key elements of DWS’ approach to delivering the solution for CSIRO included:

•Lean start-up approach that provided CSIRO with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that satisfied the Reflexivity model but is also scalable, robust and secure.
•Iterative Agile delivery giving CSIRO flexibility to adapt and prioritise requirements throughout the delivery journey.
•Leverage DWS’ considerable local and national experience in Microsoft, and explicitly Microsoft BI space.
•Provide ongoing multi-level support for the implemented solution via the DWS Managed Services Centre of Excellence

By early 2017, the DWS team had successfully delivered the proposed MVP solution, including the foundational architecture to enable future scalability and functional enhancement.

Following the success of this engagements, CSIRO and DWS are well placed to continue a strong working relationship for social innovation.